The VMCC Somerset autojumble. Always a good chance to catch up with folks. Arrived late this time and spent no money which was a result in a way for myself, less so for the stallholders. Below a selection of machinery that caught the eye on my wanderings.
Magnificent BSA J34-11 from 1934. 500cc ohv v-twin. The chap
was asking strong money at £32,000. It wasn't sold by the end of
the day. Putting it into perspective It might not have the name
but is probably every bit as good a riders bike as a Brough
680 for a third of the price. |
BSA G33-13 1933. 986cc v-twin side valve on the same stand.
£18,500 was the asking price for this one. A very tidy example
so not unreasonable. It seemed to be unsold at the end of the
day too. Mind, there's not many folks come along with that
sort of money to spend on a day out. |
A pair of pressed steel framed Coventry Eagles. Not so long
ago these were very hard bikes to shift. Now their time has
come. I've always liked their thirties modernist looks. Pity
they didn't stretch the concept out to a larger engined machine
though. The upswept pipes sports model was sold with an
asking price of £3,250. The other one stayed with the owner. |
Very lovely Norton framed Nourish engined special in the car
park. Love the paint wear on the frame tubes. |
I parked my Beemer up next to this 500cc Terrot. I like the
clear top to the oil filler cap. |
Another special. Took me a while to work out
what it is. Essentially a Triton. Norton featherbed
frame modified to monoshock, leading link forks
and a Triumph engine. All topped off by a Metisse
petrol tank. Nice outfit. |
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