Sunday, April 10, 2022

Magnificent FN Four

Certainly the most sophisticated European machine of the veteran era, the FN was a grand touring machine par excellence - see Ron Fellowes' ' Old Bloke on a Bike' site detailing his epic travels from India to Belgium on a 1910 FN. Sadly Ron has just recently passed away.

The particular machine pictured below I believe dates from 1913. The image is rather good and scanned in high resolution so if you want to see all the detail right click and open the image in a separate tab and then enlarge away to your heart's content...

Note the top tube mounted klaxon. There is an annotation on the back of the image stating ' April 1919'.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous details in the expanded version. I would love someone to explain how that complicated front suspension worked. (Wait, there's another spring over here...!) And I have to notice the rear-view mirror. And speedometer. This machine had it all.
