Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Steib Sidecars 1957

The Steib Sidecars brochure for 1957. I've included a copy of the brochure covering letter from the UK importers; it includes some useful further information such as dimensions of each model, features and sales blurb stating the superiority of the brand!

Steib Sidecars brochure 1957 front cover.

Steib Sidecars brochure 1957 page 1.

Steib Sidecars brochure 1957 page 2.

Steib Sidecars brochure 1957 page 3.

Steib Sidecars brochure 1957 page 4.

Steib Sidecars brochure 1957 rear cover.

Steib marketing letter page 1.

Steib marketing letter page 2.


  1. Do you supply parts to Australia ?

    1. Hi there. Sorry, this isn't a business, just an enthusiast site. Nothing for sale here!
